This information will only be used for the Club vehicle driver vetting process and will not be used anywhere else within the Club. None of this information will be passed on to a third party.
Please read the expectations of Club drivers below and complete the online form. If accepted we will require a copy of your driver license (back and front) to the membership officer.
Expectations Of All Drivers:
- At all times drive legally, in accordance with the Road Code and license guides;
- Staying below the speed limit at all times;
- Never use mobile phones (including checking messages etc.) or other electrical devices(e.g. Ipods) while driving a vehicle;
- Not drink alcohol within the 24 hours prior to driving;
- Drive at a speed and in a manner that is comfortable for all persons who are travelling in the vehicle (this may be lower than the legal speed limit and depend on the conditions);
- Pay for any traffic fines they incur (since the club expects drivers to follow the Road Code);
- Follow the terms of any rental vehicle agreement;
- Report any damage or mechanical issues with a van;
- If picking up/dropping off passengers, ensure that the vehicle is off the road and is only stopped when it is safe to do so.
Complete HTC drivers protocols can be viewed
Drivers supplying their vehicle and carrying participants of club trips must fill their tank prior to departure and refill upon return to Hokitika. The receipt should be sent to the Club Treasurer for reimbursement for fuel and wear and tear as per the Club's travel policy.
By submitting this form I acknowledge and agree to the terms mentioned above: