Saturday 25th November 2023
Six of us set off from town at 8am for Lower Arahura Hut on a perfect morning. I had been meaning to do this decent day walk for a while so was pleased to see it on the trip schedule again. The weather was clear and calm – cool enough to enjoy walking and not warm enough to entice you into the Arahura itself. After a meander up the valley, we crossed the swing bridge over the river. It was stunningly blue. The Cesspool wasn’t living up to its name today but, having viewed videos of kayakers negotiating it in full flood, I didn’t fancy swimming in it.
Not long after, we had an early break beside the river in the sun. I managed to eat all my lunch at 10.30am. Generously, Liesl had brought chocolate-dipped krispies and sour snake lollies, and Amy had chocolate to share, so we were guaranteed to leave the trip replete.
This is an easy trip, but there are plenty of streams to cross, and rock hopping to be done along the river. The track is a beautifully cambered old dray trail, apart from the many places the track has been washed out by the river. It’s well-marked and easy to follow. It took us a bit longer than expected to get to the hut, but no one was in any hurry. We had plenty of time to admire the blue Arahura, and to check out the many gorgeous camping sites by the river. Not that you’d want to be camping anywhere near the river during a rain event, mind. We visited the hut briefly, which is small but perfectly formed, and in excellent condition. There was a party of three who were leaving after spending the night there. They had come all the way from Grassy Flat hut the day before.
We stopped by the hut at a fantastic camping spot overlooking the river for a long lunch, with many krispie biscuits eaten by me. Setting a good pace, we were back out at Milltown by the cars at 5.15pm. Thanks to Joy, Annan, Jocelyn and Jaki, ably led by Leisl, for an excellent day out!
Maria Cunningham (Member)