Cedar Flats Hut

Saturday 17th February 2024

After recent rain ruled out river crossings, and our planned trip to Grassy Flat, we pivoted and headed to Cedar Flat hut. Vicky and I were the only ones who hadn’t done this trip before, and I was looking forward to soaking in the hot pools there. Participants included Jaci, Vicky, Candis, Euan, Henry, and Maria

The car park was fairly full – an ominous sign. We met farmer Terry in the car park who told us several large parties had already headed in. I wondered whether we should have opted for the intriguingly named Boo Boo hut instead. I had forgotten my tent and Jaci generously offered to share hers – not a good look from me as the trip leader, reinforced by Jaci having to lend me her spare batteries for my dead torch later in the day! Euan headed in later that afternoon – Terry letting him park at the road end as his vehicle has higher clearance, saving him a 30 minute walk.

The weather was perfect as we tramped over the farm and over a nicely cambered track. We then engaged in some rock hopping over slippery rocks in the Toaroha riverbed. We stopped a while to watch a group of kayakers at play. Our first challenge was the first stream crossing. This was thigh-deep and fast running. I was very pleased we weren’t wading through the Styx instead. A few more stream crossings and we were on the gentle climb up a beautiful track to the hut, negotiating a few slips on the way. We were surprised to find there was only one other person at the hut, with a party from Christchurch Tramping Club heading onwards to Gerhardt Spur Bivouac and a party from Auckland to Yeats Hut, after a night at Adventure Bivouac.

As we relaxed in the sunshine, three more groups turned up. With the old hut and camping spots utilised, there was still bunks in the new hut so no need to use out tents. Euan and Henry turned up later that afternoon. Vicky, Jaci and I explored the spectacular swing bridge over the Toaroha near Adventure Ridge and the hot pools at Wren Creek. The hot pools were full of trampers, so we planned to come back early in the morning.

I slept well and Jaci, Vicky and I had a good soak first thing. The shovel usually located by the pool seems to have gone missing, but we still were able to sit waist deep in the water. The hot pool sits directly on the other side of the track to Wren Creek and fits five people. There is another larger pool further up, but it was cool, having been filled with the swollen stream water. Jaci, Vicky and I had a plunge in the creek to refresh before breakfast. Returning the hut, we found Candis, Euan and Henry had already headed out and most other folk on their way.  We had a relaxed pack-up before retracing our steps across the swing bridge, with its rather intimidating entry and exit points. We stopped for lunch and a swim where the river pools but didn’t manage to stay as long as the CTC members. Perhaps they had built up a bit more body heat after crossing from Gerhard Biv! The rocks were less slippery on the way out, but I still managed to slide over at one stage. It was warm as we crossed the farmland back to our cars and we were glad we’d cooled down in the river. All in all, a very enjoyable four-to-five-hour trip with great company!

Maria Cunningham (Member)